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Sustainability: not a trend, but our corporate philosophy!

Nachhaltigkeit bei Reidinger

Sustainability concerns all of us.

We are committed to a more sustainable future. In our actions, in production, in distribution, in sales, in logistics ... And we are convinced that sustainable action can make the world a better place.

Sustainability-Report 2024

How sustainability looks in our company can be seen in our Sustainability-Report.

What we do

Natural resources

We love pencils! 95% of our products are made from natural, certified, and renewable raw materials. Can there be anything more sustainable than a pure natural product?

Climate contribution

As far as possible we avoid and reduce our CO2 emissions. CO2 emissions we can not avoid are compensated by global climate protection projects.

Code of Conduct (CoC)

As part of our CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), we commit ourselves and our business partners to comply with the Code of Conduct. Our Code of Conduct is constantly evolving.

Photovoltaic station

With our photovoltaic system on the company roof, we are able to cover approx. 50 % of our energy rconsumption ourselves.

100% green electricity

All the electricity required, not provided by our photovoltaic system itself, is purchased from naturstrom AG and is 100% green electricity.

100% clean biogas

We purchase 100% biogas and do not only contribute to climate and environmental protection, but also support the expansion of renewable energies.

Use of paper

We rely on recycled paper, FSC certified paper and the Blue Angel. Our printed products are printed with ecological inks. And we are constantly looking for ways to reduce the use of paper even further.

Renovation and modernization

In 2012 we carried out extensive renovation and modernisation work. This led to drastic savings in our energy and resource consumption.

E-charging station

We offer the possibility of charging electric vehicles directly at our company. And of course we use 100% green electricity. You are welcome to use this option when visiting us!

Social commitment

We know there are many who have been less fortunate. We regularly support charitable and non-profit organizations with monetary donations and goods.

Read more: social commitment.

Fresh fruit

For a healthy and conscious diet we offer fresh fruit in organic quality. Our fruit baskets are filled up once a week and are available to everyone.

GLS Klimaprotect

Sustainable parcel logistics from GLS:
The CO2 emissions caused by parcel transport and the business activities of GLS Germany are compensated annually by a certified project.

Fairtrade Town Hammelburg

Hammelburg is Fairtrade Town:
We are Fairtrade supporters of Fairtrade-Town Hammelburg. The initiative promotes the commitment of local authorities to support fair trade at various levels.

Products with the Climate Partner label »financial climate contribution«

By purchasing Reidinger products with the Climate Partner label »financial climate contribution«, you are making a decision in favour of climate protection. Thee products are products witch calcualted CO2 emissions that have been compensated by a reputable, certified climate protection project.

Company and products with the Climate Partner label »financial climate contribution«

Our company and all our products are have the Climate Partner label »financial climate contribution«. This is made possible by the avoidance, reduction and compensation of greenhouse gases.

All emissions that cannot be avoided are - in cooperation with ClimatePartner (TÜV certified) - compensated. With climate neutrality we support climate protection projects all over the world. We also support the achievement of global sustainability goals (Sustainable Development Goals), such as the fight against poverty and the improvement of living conditions in emerging and developing countries.

Compensating our product and corporate emissions is our commitment to climate protection and underlines our commitment to sustainability.

The Climate Partner label »financial climate contribution« with ID number guarantee transparency and credibility::

Website with the Climate Partner label »financial climate contribution«

The resulting CO2 emissions have been calculated and compensated. Global CO2 emissions are caused by the use of the Internet, primarily due to the power consumption of servers, data transmission and user devices.

Based on the data of the monthly page views, ClimatePartner has calculated the CO2 emissions caused by our website and compensated for them through a climate protection project.

Information about our carbon neutrality can be found at

Achieving more together

Since " Fridays for Future " we have all become more and more aware of the topic of sustainability. To prevent global warming, we must significantly improve our CO2 footprint. There are three main points how we can do this:

Avoidance of CO2 emissions > Reduction of CO2 emissions > Compensation of CO2 emissions

Help us make the world a better place. Every little bit helps. And who knows, maybe we already convinced you to act more sustainably. Even the decision for a natural product as part of your promotional activities can be helpful!