Coloring pictures: Bring in the color – take out the stress

Not only for children

Relax with coloring pictures


Coloring pictures is something we remember from childhood. At some point, you stop coloring with colored pencils and occasionally doodle your own things on the computer or on paper while talking on the phone.

But the trend is now increasingly moving towards coloring books and colored pencils – even for adults!
Relaxing for adults therefore means picking up colored pencils and filling in the spaces between the black lines with a few swings from your hand.

Great success for the coloring books

Absolute trend and bestseller on Amazon


Countless reviews praise the calming effect of coloring.
In fact, the success of coloring books for adults is so great that colored pencil manufacturers can no longer keep up with the production of their pencils..
Take advantage of this trend and give away › colored pencils in a custom-printed etui.

Recreation and meditation

Coloring pictures for colored pencils


The result is a relaxing effect, the expression of creativity and the haptic experience of pens and paper. In an increasingly digitalized world, this is a feeling that many miss!


Being creative - without the stress of »too much creativity«

The success of the coloring books is easy to explain


If you draw or paint something from scratch, a state of frustration can set in - at least for inexperienced artists:
The result does not meet your expectations, you have to start all over again because mistakes are obvious, and so on.

If you get involved with the coloring pictures, you don't put yourself under too much pressure.
You can concentrate on the purely creative process and may even reach a kind of meditative state.

Coloring pictures

Popular motifs


Adult coloring: You can find countless motifs for »adult coloring pictures« on the Internet.
Animal motifs, vehicles, mandalas and floral patterns are particularly popular.


Coloring pictures for children


Simple motifs are usually suitable for children. Animal motifs in particular appeal to our »little ones«.
Below you will find templates that are perfect for keeping little artists entertained.