Use writing instruments as promotional items
The advertising effectiveness of promotional items
The great advantage of promotional items is that customers always get in touch with your advertising through regular use. Without any additional costs for your company.
With other forms of advertising such as print, TV or radio, you can only maintain advertising contact by constantly investing in these forms of advertising.
This causes continuous costs. The promotional product (and writing instruments in particular) is significantly cheaper!
The advertising effectiveness of promotional items has also been proven in a study.
You can find the latest facts and figures on the subject of promotional items here:
GWW Zahlen und Fakten
GWW Potenzial von Werbeartikeln
Want some facts?
Nowadays, everyone knows how important real sustainability is. A study by the GWW (Gesamtverband der Werbeartikel-Wirtschaft) shows that sustainability is also becoming increasingly important for haptic advertising:
is important
Sustainability is important:
65% of the companies surveyed attach importance to sustainability in haptic advertising.
has added value
Sustainability has added value:
73% are willing to pay up to 10% more for sustainable items, 11% even up to 20%.
Promotional items
are used daily
Daily use:
On average, promotional items are used once a day.
Promotional products have
the highest
recall value
Recall value of promotional items:
Promotional products (70% recall), TV advertising (28%) and radio advertising (29%)
Promotional items are
used over a long
period of time
Useful life:
61% of the target group use the items for longer than 1 year.
Promotional items
have low
coverage losses
Low wastage:
91 % of respondents use the articles themselves
Promotional products have a greater reach than other media.
Highest reach:
89% of the population have contact with promotional products.
Writing instruments
are the most successful
promotional items
In Germany, writing instruments (pencils, pens, ...) are the most successful promotional items!
Who would have thought it
The writing lengths:
Fountain pen up to 300 m
Ballpoint pens up to 6000 m
Pencils up to 50,000 m
For a long-lasting advertising effect!

The study showed that writing instruments are among the most effective advertising media of all. With pens from Reidinger, you are not only using the most effective advertising medium, you are also setting an example for your environmental awareness and your approach to sustainability (wood is a material from renewable sources).
Our products with your logo
Advertising options
If you want to print on pencils or folding rulers, the next question is what to print on them.
On the one hand, several lines of text can be printed on the promotional items. This is of course suitable for company names, company slogans or an Internet address.
Combinations are of course also possible, as several lines can accommodate a lot of content.
Your logo on the pencil
In addition to normal text, a graphic can also be printed on the › pencils.
This variant is often used for company logos. The pencil offers enough advertising space to display even complex logos well.
We require vectorized data in order to achieve a clean print result. Photo or digital printing is also possible.
Printing on folding rules
Whether 1-4 color print or photo print - there is plenty of space for your advertising on the › folding rule.
But not only the high sides can be printed. If you choose the so-called free bar as the scale, you can even have the bars printed individually.n.
The strips are white as standard, but are of course also available in other colors.
Design tips for your individual print
Lacquer color for pencils
› Pencils and › colored pencils can be printed with special colors - so the pencil always fits perfectly with your CI..
A black lacquer color combined with a strong color such as gold, silver or orange is particularly popular and elegant. The black cover makes the promotional pencil look extremely classy.
With a short › Golf pencils / Mini pencils the available text length is somewhat shorter. However, thanks to the option of printing the short pencils “all around” or on several sides, there is also enough space for the “mini pencils” to really highlight your advertising message.
Font color and font size
You have extensive design options for the text. The font size, font type and font color can be adjusted almost at will.
With the font color, you should make sure that it stands out from the background color with a good contrast. Otherwise your advertising message may be difficult to read.
The larger the font, the easier it is to read from a greater distance.
Of course, the principle of »less is more« also applies here. A little »white space« sometimes makes a lettering really stand out.
If you need help with the design, our graphics department will be happy to help you (costs on request/on a time and material basis).
With larger fonts, of course, less text can be accommodated on the available space, so limit yourself to the essentials. Please also note the maximum print area.
Don't forget to contact us
Customers like to inform themselves in advance on the Internet. As the pencil or folding rule creates »eye contact« with your company, you should offer at least one contact option if possible. While the telephone number used to be the ideal way to get in touch, the web address has become increasingly important in recent years. Potential customers can find out in advance on your website. Visitors are particularly interested in what services you offer and what costs can be expected. As the question of cost always depends on the desired product or service, visitors will pick up the phone or contact form at this point at the latest.
Advertising effectiveness through recommendations
Be creative
Stand out from the crowd.
We can print any text, graphics and images on your promotional items. It doesn't always have to be »just« an advertising slogan and the company logo. Humor and funny sayings are also a good way to address your target group. Your company will be associated with positive thoughts and appear likeable.
Recommendations are a very important tool in marketing. We usually place a lot of trust in recommendations from friends in particular.
By printing advertising on pencils and folding rules, you will be better remembered by your customers.

Most people don't think about the fact that you can increase the radius of your advertising campaigns with a simple trick: Give away several of your promotional items to one and the same person!
Yes, you've got that right. That is by no means a waste. For example, choose a classy-looking, black-colored magnetic pencil. Be generous and give your customer several of them straight away. He will be surprised and delighted that he was able to get several of these special pencils.
If he receives several of the pens, he will give them directly to friends and acquaintances in the best case (and we all know that a gift - if it comes from friends and acquaintances - receives a higher level of appreciation and trust than if it comes from strangers).
In the worst case scenario, he will leave the pens at home. As a result, they will have your promotional gift in front of their eyes for a long time. Naturally, the pens will then be distributed again (everyone knows the situation where pens go missing and inexplicably reappear in someone else's home).