Coloring books for adults

Catch your colored pencils and start coloring!


Coloring pictures are currently in vogue as a relaxation technique to relieve stress.
The coloring books are particularly appealing, as anyone can simply color as they like. Whether colorful or in black and white - there is no right or wrong.
According to the principle: beautiful is what you like! If you want to start small, you can make your first strokes with coloring pictures based on the “paint by numbers” scheme.

Not only good for children

Coloring books for relaxation


It is a fact that everyday life is becoming increasingly stressful: digitalization means we are always available everywhere, there is sometimes a lot of pressure at work and our private lives should not suffer either. This is why stressed people are increasingly turning to relaxation techniques to clear their minds.

Coloring books for adults can help with this, as they:

• Encourage recovery, relaxation and stress reduction

• Are meditative

• Are suitable for everyone

• Are very inexpensive compared to other techniques

Coloring books are trendy

The right coloring picture for everyone


AColoring books for adults are not an absolute novelty as such. However, the real trend only really started when the “queen of coloring pictures” Johanna Basford published the book "My secret garden ” in 2013. The mixture of mandala, fantasy and nature hit number one on the bestseller list in both America and the UK. People realized that colouring books for adults are very suitable for relaxation and provide an adequate balance to stressful everyday life.

Since then, there have been many books making it easier to get started:


Color by numbers

The pictures are labeled with numbers, with each number representing a specific color.
They are reminiscent of the drawings from childhood, but are equipped with more difficult motifs for adults.
For example, you can paint the most famous works of art in history and also become a »great« artist.


Dot to dot

These coloring books follow a similar pattern. The only difference is that the entire outline consists of numbers that first have to be connected.
Only then does the actual motif become visible and can be colored in.



These are particularly suitable for beginners. One advantage of mandalas: the more colorful, the better.
Drawing enthusiasts can really go wild here.

The agony of choic

The question of the right pencil


Colored pencils, felt-tip pens or watercolors can be used to color in coloring books. However, colored pencils are particularly suitable for coloring the pictures. Not only can they be used to add subtle accents, but you can also change the intensity of the colors by applying different amounts of pressure to the pencil..

With water-soluble pencils, it is even possible to smudge the colors, allowing for soft shading and making the pictures look more vivid.
Felt-tip pens, on the other hand, have a higher color intensity, allowing users to highlight parts of the image as eye-catchers.
A combination of both types of pen is ideal for bringing the pictures to life.

For employees and customers

A gift that promotes relaxation


Coloring pictures for adults are intended to reduce stress and provide a balance to working life in leisure time.
To meet the needs of employees, companies can take advantage of this trend by giving their employees coloring books and crayons.
They can use the gift when they want to take a creative break. It also shows that management is interested in creating a pleasant working environment for their staff by responding to their needs and thereby increasing productivity.